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  • Writer's pictureZara Oteng

On Change

I wrote a blog post about motherhood and sexiness last year and I was intending to write a follow up that would explore who is allowed to be sexy.

But I’m not going to write the second instalment because I simply don’t feel concerned about this right now. Although society may tell us otherwise, I believe we’re all allowed to be sexy. I could talk about it all day but 2021 has put me in a new mood.

So, I don’t want to go back to writing about that on my blog. I’ve changed my mind and I strongly believe we need to normalise changing our minds. There’s nothing wrong with moving away from a previous idea and gravitating towards something new.

It’s not failure. It doesn’t mean you don’t follow through.

I strongly believe we need to normalise changing our minds. There’s nothing wrong with moving away from a previous idea and gravitating towards something new.

I wish we all gave ourselves permission to change our minds more often instead of viewing it as something that can trip us up. Maybe we’d leave that toxic partner sooner. Maybe we’d do the thing we said we’d never do, without being held back by the crippling fear of embarrassment when we’re forced to eat our words in front of our family and friends. We anticipate the judgement dancing in their eyes and we forget that they too have changed their minds a million times before.

Change is a normal, healthy part of personal growth and as we change, our ideas evolve. What was once attractive may not hold our interest any longer and some relationships may not nourish us in the way they once did. We may learn that activities we previously indulged in do not serve us in a positive way.

I’m not suggesting that we throw it all away if something doesn’t feel right at one moment in time. I’m saying it’s an indication that it’s time for a reassessment. Does this fit the new direction I’m taking? Does this impact me in a positive way? Does this help me, and others?

As always, my words are for myself as much as, if not more than, they are for others. Sure, reading this may help someone. This may be the very thing someone needed to see today. But putting these words on paper helps me to cement my thoughts and put them into practice. In this moment, I’m trying to embrace my own growth, become comfortable with changes I’m going through and release myself from habits, behaviours and relationships that don’t work for me anymore.

To live is to change and so, I'm alive. I'm wishing you all a 2021 full of positive change and growth.


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